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  1. About Gaya

    Gaya derives its name from the mythological demon Gayasur (which literally means Gaya the demon), demon (asur, a Sanskrit word) and Gaya. Lord Vishnu killed Gayasur, the holy demon by using the pressure of his foot over him. This incident transformed Gayasur into the series of rocky hills that make up the landscape of the Gaya city. Gaya was so holy that he had the power to absolve the sins of those who touched him or looked at him; after his death many people have flocked to Gaya to perform Shraddha sacrifices on his body to absolve the sins of their ancestors. Gods and goddesses had promised to live on Gayasur's body after he died, and the hilltop protuberances of Gaya are surmounted by temples to various gods and goddesses. These hilltop temples at Rama Shila, Mangla Gauri, Shringa Sthan and Brahmayoni are part of the pilgrimage circuit.

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19 Dec 2011
When actually Lord Rama Chandra came to Gaya to offer Pinda to his Father Dashratha?It is believed that Rama belonged to Treta Yuga,This yuga covered 12,96,000 mortal years. After Treta,came Dwapar yuga covering 8,64,000 mortal years.This is the kali yuga.The period is to cover another 4,32,000 mortal years.In such a situationRama came to Gaya for offering oblation to his deceased father more than 12 lakh years ago.And the PindDaan in GayaJi practice for the salvation of a soul was in vogue since long and still continues to be an integral part of Hindumythology.
About Gaya
19 Dec 2011
Gaya derives its name from the mythological demon Gayasur (which literally means Gaya the demon), demon (asur, a Sanskrit word) and Gaya. Lord Vishnu killed Gayasur, the holy demon by using the pressure of his foot over him. This incident transformed Gayasur into the series of rocky hills that make up the landscape of the Gaya city. Gaya was so holy that he had the power to absolve the sins of those who touched him or looked at him; after his death many people have flocked to Gaya to perform Shraddha sacrifices on his body to absolve the sins of their ancestors. Gods and goddesses had promised to live on Gayasur's body after he died, and the hilltop protuberances of Gaya are surmounted by temples to various gods and goddesses. These hilltop temples at Rama Shila, Mangla Gauri, Shringa Sthan and Brahmayoni are part of the pilgrimage circuit.
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History of Gayaji

When actually Lord Rama Chandra came to Gaya to offer Pinda Daan to his Father Dashratha?It is believed that Rama belonged to Treta Yuga,This yuga covered 12,96,000 mortal years.After Treta, came Dwapar yuga covering 8,64,000 mortal years.This is the kali yuga.The period is to cover another 4,32,000 mortal years.In such a situationRama came to Gaya for offering oblation to his deceased father more than 12 lakh years ago. And the pinddaan in GayaJi practice for the salvation of a soul was in vogue since long and still continues to be an integral part of Hindumythology.

Gaya finds mention in the great epics, Ramayana and Mahabharata. In Mahabharat, the place has been identified as Gayapuri.
Gaya derives its name from the mythological demon Gayasur (which literally means Gaya the holy demon), demon (asur, a Sanskrit word) and Gaya. Over its history dating millennia, the word asur got deleted and the name Gaya remained in currency.
A study of Gaya perhaps Cannot be completed without a refernce to the Gaya Mahatmya
In Gaya Mahatmya,

And Gaya Mahatmya also speaks about the powerful demon Gayasur and how Lord Vishnu in his mace bearing form had persuaded the demon motionless with his body and how Lord Vishnu killed Gayasur, the holy demon by using the pressure of his foot over him and forming the panch kosi Gaya keshetra,the most pious land on earth,And Gayasur was the creation of Brahma and his body with his head in the north covers the area from the bodhgaya on the south to prethshilla on the north, and after his death many people have flocked to Gaya to perform shraddha or pinddaan sacrifices on his body to absolve the sins of their ancestors. And It was said that the Gayasura's body would continue to be known as Gaya Kshetra.

It is believed that this place has been blessed by purificatory powers.Hindus traditionally come here to perform pind daan to honour their parents or ancestors and people also participate in the massive get together who perform the final rites of their departed family members to freed from the agonies of Hell and sent to Heaven.

As we say the king of holy place is Prayag. The teacher of holy place is Pushkar.
Thus Gayaji is called the soul of holy place. (it is written in Bedpuran)
Gayaji is only one of the places where hindues worship their parents, ancestors with the Lord.

Imporatance of Gaya Sraddha or Pind Daan and PitraDosh Nivaran

It would be incumbent upon all sons to offer PIND (oblations) for the salvation of the soul of their ancestors. The soul could be freed from the agonies of Hell and sent to Heaven by performing Gaya-Shraddha or Pind Daan in GayaJi. From our Hindu Mythology,Its is believed that if any person departed from the earth,her soul is wandering in earth here and there,and they did not get peace untill his any family member is not visited gaya for performing Gaya Sraddha or pinda daan for him, and it is also believed that if any person sacrifice his life by any means then he or she first of all enter the Preth yoni then enter the pitar yoni and after doing pind daan or Gaya sraddha they got moksha under the foot of Lord Vishnu in Gaya,And it is also signifies in padma puran,Garud puran, and shri Bhagwat Gita. and it is neccesaary to perform Gaya sraddha or pind daan in Gaya from our Hindu Mythology .

Departed person had in search of that his family member will do the Gaya sraddha for me after the yearly sraddha .And if the Gaya sraddha is not done after the yearly sraddth of any person then the soul of person is not get peace and wandering in the universe,and the soul will give cursh to her family member and creating different types of difficulties to her parents or childrens like losses in business regularly,sickness of any people regularly,e.t.c and create difficulties in any type of Good Work,This is known as Pitra Dosh, so,from Hindus Mythology,any people of the family have to perform Gaya sraddha or pind daan in Gaya for Pitra Dosh Nivaran ,And the every people who is belonging from Hindu culuture have to perform Gaya sraddha or pind daan in Gaya for the salavation of their ancestors or to give peace to their ancestors and to send their ancestors under the foot of lord Vishnu. After doing Gaya sradddha or pind daan in gaya all the difficulties which their ancestors is creating are removed because the souls of their ancestors get moksha or peace under the foot of lord Vishnu,And their ancestors blessed him as well as help in the progress of the family.

Besides Rama,other Mythological personalities who visited Gaya for the pind daan purpose are the Raja yudhistra,Bhisma Pitamaha, Marichi(Brahma’s son) and others.

Better Days for doing Gaya Sraddha or Gaya Pind Daan

In GayaJi,Pind Daan can be done all the year but it is better to perform Gaya shradh or Gaya PindDaanduring 7days, 5days, 3days or 1days amawasya with krishana paksh in any month and during auspicious 18days pitri paksh mela,

The auspicious 18days Tri paksha sraddha or Pitripaksha mela,that is considered best days for offering oblations to the depared forefathers or any departed Family members,And this Auspicious 18days comes in every year in the month of September or October.And,An estimated 6,00,000 to 8,00,000 pilgrims arrive in the Gaya city during the Pitripaksh Mela for GayaJi sraddha or Pind Daan.

The sraddth or Pind Daan perform in GayaJI includes three Rituals:-

1-Snana and Sankalpa

2-Pind Daan


Most of the vedis today have diappeared or have been left isolated for all practical purposes.

And In Gayaji,Two types of sraddth or Pind Daan can be done.

Ekodristi Gaya Shradh

Ekodristi Gaya Shradh is completed in One days only.In Ekodristi Gaya Sraddha pilgrims have to cover only the three important vedis that is Falgu river(Niranjana, as mentioned in Ramayana), Vishnupad temple and The Akshavata.And if the deadth is abnormal then pilgrims have to also perform Pind Daan at PRETSHILA(hill),Gaya kup and Dharmaranya. And some of the people who have not time and want to do pind Daan in GayaJi for the salvation of the soul of their ancestors and freed from the agonies of Hell and sent to Heaven,they are performing Ekodristi Gaya Sraddha in lack of time.

Vrihada Gaya Shradh

In khapar Gaya Sraddtha Pilgrims have to cover 54vedis and the name of vedis are listed below where pilgrims have to perform Pind Daan:

1-Poonpoon charanPuja 12-Jiwha loll 23-Kartikpada 34-Mat Gowapi 45-Munda Pristha
2-Falgu River 13-Gajadhar Jee 24-Dhadikhagni 35-ko pada 46-Adi Gaya
3-Brahma Kund 14-Sarswati 25-Garpashagni 36-Agastha pada 47-Dhout Pada
4-Pretshilla 15-Dharmaranya 26-Ahabaniagni 37-Indrapada 48-Bhim Gaya
5-Ram Shilla 16-BodhGaya 27-Suryapada 38-Kahsyapada 49-Go Prachar
6-Ram Kund 17-Brahma Sarower 28-Chandrapada 39-Gajakaran 50-Gada Loll
7-Kagbali 18-Kagbali 29-Ganeshpada 40-RamGaya 51-Dhud Tarpan
8-Uttarmanas 19-Amrasichen 30-Sandyagnipada 41-SitaKund 52-Baitarni
9-Udichi 20-Rudrapada 31-Yagnipada 42-Souvagyadan 53-AkshoyBata
10-Kankhal 21-Brahmapada 32-Dadhisthi pada 43-Gayasir 54-Gyatri Ghat
11-Dakhin Manas 22-Vishnupada 33-Kanna pada 44-Gayakup

Special Types of Shradh for Pitra Dosh Nivaran

And The Special Type of Shradh for removing Pitra Dosh and to give satisfaction to the soul of people who died

unnaturally are given below:-

1.Tirpindi Shradh :- Tirpindi Shradh is done for those people who died unnaturally, to remove Preth Badha,And after Tirpindi Shradh all the Dificulties which is creating by ancestors or family member who died unnaturally is removed and This Shradh is very important for Satisfaction of Soul who died Unnaturally,

2.Naranyan Bali shradh :- Narayan Bali Shardh is done to remove Pitra Dosh and Narayan Bali ritual is done to Satisfy the soul of ancestors and deadth people whose soul is wandering here and there in the world,And For getting Satisfaction the ancestors give Dreams to their Family Member,then Naranyan Bali shradh is done or When People have Pitra Dosh In his Kundli or Horoscope, And all the difficluties is removed which is obstrution in any type of good work due to Pitra Dosh,

3.Naag Bali Shradh :- After the deadth of any people,When soul of the People enters in Naag Yoni and They take the shape of Snake or Naag,and comes in snake shape in the dreams of his Family Member,then Naag Bali Shradh is done,

4.Kalsharpyog Pooja :- When any Person have Rahu and Ketu Present in his Kundli or Horoscope then the happiness is lost from his life and the People goes downward and downward in any aspect of life and Life of the People is under the influence of Deadth, then Kalsharpyog Pooja is done in GayaJi to remove Kalsharpyog Dosh from his Kundli or Horoscope,

Holy Sites in GayaJi
Think yourself watching the 40 cm long footprint of the Lord Vishnu in front of your eyes! This may be a dream to many but your wish can be virtually fulfilled at Vishnupad Temple of Gaya.

1-VishnuPad Temple : It is that this temple was built on the footprints of the Lord Vishnu. The most popular temple today is Vishnupad Temple, a place along the Falgu River, marked by a footprint of Vishnu incised into a block of basalt, that marks the act of Lord Vishnu subduing Gayasur by placing his foot on Gayasur's chest. The Brahmakalpit Brahmins have been the traditional priests at Vishnupad Mandir in Gaya as Gayawal Pandas. The big footprints of the lord Vishnu could be seen inside the temple. The footprints are imprinted in hard rock and has been surrounded by a basin made of silver plates so that nobody can touch it.

The present day structure of temple was rebuilt by Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar, the ruler of Indore, in the 1787 and First of all Vishnupad Temple is scared in very small size and when Indore Queen Ahilya Bai Holkar visited GayaJi then she reconstructed the Vishnupad Temple.

Vishnupad Temple is the centre part of Gayaji(panchkosi Gaya Kshretha) and Vishnupad Temple have Gold Flag and Gold Dome at the Top.

Mangla Gauri

The Mangla Gauri shrine is marked by two rounded stones that symbolize the breasts of the mythological Sati, the first wife of Lord Shiva. It is a very old and sacred temple which is located in the Chand Chaura area of Gaya town. Hundreds of devotees visit this temple every day, which is situated on top of a hillock.

Falgu River

Pind Dan starts from Falgu River

According to Ramayana, when Lord Rama came to Gaya along with Sita for pitripaksha (or to perform pindadanam), Sita cursed the Falgu River following some disobedience on the part of the river. The mythology states that on account of this curse, Falgu River lost its water, and the river is simply a vast stretch of sand dunes

However, water can always be found all the year by digging in the dry sandy riverbed. That’s why it is called "Antah Saliya”.


Akshay Bata is the last important place where pinda dan is done.
Pinda Dan is starts from Falgu River and its Close at Akshay Bat.
Akshay Bat is got a boom by Sita, That you can’t die.
It’s a not destroyable , that’s why it is called Akshay Bata.
According to ved puran:Lord Krishna will stay under its shadow, when whole world will drown in to the water, but this tree will not die. Because of getting the boom by Sita.

Those who Pind daan here,there ancestor goes to dev lok from pitra lok.

Prethshilla Hill

About 8-kms northwest of Gaya, the 873-ft high Pretshila hill is situated. The meaning of the name is the hill of ghosts and it is sacred to Yama, the Hindu god of hell, and forms one of the sacred places of pilgrimage. On the top of the hill there is a small temple dedicated to Yama (The God of death). At the foot of the hill are three tanks named Sati, Nigra and Sukha, and there is a fourth tank called Ramkund on the summit near the temple of Yama, in which it is said that Ram himself bathed. Whoever bathes in this tank is said to have rubbed out his sins, and whoever recites the proper mantras or spells with the usual offerings of Shraddha and Pindas is freed from pain.

Ramshila Hill
On the north of the Gaya town is situated another hill called Ramshila 715-ft high. There is an old temple situated on the top of the hill that is called Rameshwara or Pataleshwara or Mahadev temple. In front of the temple there is a pavilion where Pindas are offered.

Brahmayoni Hill

This hill is the highest (793-ft) in Gaya and lies in south of the town. There is a small natural fissure in the rocks at the top of the hill, through which a person can just manage to crawl. It is believed that by crawling through it the pilgrims escape rebirth. On the top of the hill is a small temple containing a statue, said to be representation of Brahma, though it properly belongs to Shiva, as the figure has five and not four heads, as in regular statues of Brahma.



Pind Daan

  • Ekodristi Gaya Shradh
  • Pitra Dosh Nivaran
  • Holy Sites in GayaJi
  • Vrihada Gaya Shradh
  • Naranyan Bali Shradh
  • VishnuPad Temple
  • Tirpindi Shradh
  • Kalsharpyog Pooja
  • Falgu River

Pilgrimage in Gaya

  • Vishnupad Temple
  • Surya Kund
  • Akshayabat
  • Mahabodhi Temple
  • Barabar Caves
  • Prethshilla Hill
  • Bodhgaya
  • Gayadharmyatra
  • Snana Sankalpa

Holy Sites in GayaJi

  • Vishnupad Temple
  • Mangla Gauri
  • Falgu River
  • AkshayBata
  • Prethshilla Hill
  • Ramshila Hill
  • Ramshila Hill
  • Brahmayoni Hilll